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Alabama Crimson Tide Youth Programs

Young Writers Camp

Location Tuscaloosa, AL
Event Date(s) Jun 5, 2023 to Jun 16, 2023
This event has been completed.

We Accept:

Event Description


The Young Writers Camp offers students (age 12-17) the chance to develop as creative writers. Students will write independently and in collaborative groups in response to a wide range of creative prompts, share their writing, and learn about the contemporary literary scene under the guidance of experienced writers in the M.F.A Program in Creative Writing at The University of Alabama.

  • Location: English Building
  • Camp Capacity: 32
  • Meals provided through Bama Dining
  • Contact Parking Services at 205-348-0024 to make parking arrangements.
Monday - Friday
GRADES: 6th - 12th
TIME: 10:00am - 4:00pm
COST: $200

Medical Concerns

While we hope that your child stays happy and healthy throughout their time with us, we want to be prepared to handle any medical emergencies that might arise.

Medical Information

All participants are required to complete the Medical Information Form (see the Forms section). This is where parents or guardians provide emergency medical information and specify any special needs.

Allergy or Disability Accommodations

The University of Alabama will make reasonable accommodations to allow participants with allergies and disabilities. However, we can more efficiently fulfill requests that are made 3-4 weeks in advance.

Program Staff

Making sure that all participants are properly supervised `is of the utmost importance to us. The following standards have been developed to ensure that participants know how to recognize the program staff and what to expect while they are here.


Program staff will have a zoom tag that identifies them as YWC staff.


The participant to staff ratios used by this program are based on participant age and meet or exceed the standards recommended by the American Camps Association.

Emergency Information


In the event of an emergency, we will use the emergency contact information provided in your registration materials.

Participant Code of Conduct

Participants will:

  • Show respect to all other participants, program staff, and program director.
  • Take direction from program staff and program director.
  • Refrain from inappropriate behavior directed at themselves, other participants, or staff.
  • Respect others’ boundaries.
  • Follow the program schedule.
  • Use cell phones only during free time and not during scheduled activities (unless otherwise asked to do so by the instructor).
  • Not smoke, vape, drink alcohol, or use illegal substances of any kind.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation and use the preferred name of each student and staff member.
  • Respect the gender identities of all campers and staff, and use their preferred pronouns.
  • Take all medications as directed, if applicable.

Diversity Statement

It is expected that members of this camp will engage with each other sincerely and respect all the myriad ways that human beings show up in the world. It is expected that students will participate in camp in ways that are conscientious, being careful to avoid language that denigrates, marginalizes, stereotypes, or harasses any camper or staff member. In cases where a camper might accidentally make a comment that is offensive, it is expected that all campers will understand the moment as a teachable one. This commitment to diversity and inclusion reflects the English Department’s overall mission to “challenge students to read, write, and think in a sophisticated and critical fashion.”

Child Abuse Reporting

The University of Alabama has taken steps to ensure that all youth program staff are aware of their responsibility to report known or suspected child abuse, but it is also important for participants and their parents/guardians to report suspicious behavior. If we all work together, we can create the safest possible environment for your child.

If you see something, say something!

If you or your child become aware of known or suspected child abuse on our campus or involving program staff or participants, please report it immediately to the University’s Police Department by calling 348-5454.

Contact Information

Please use the following contact numbers during the program.

Contact 1: Paul Albano (ppalbano@gmail.com) Phone: 414-426-3521
Contact 2: Chloe Colbert (ccolbert@crimson.ua.edu)


The following forms should be submitted at least two weeks prior to the start of the program. This ensures that we have time to review the information and make the proper arrangements to accommodate your child.

  • Medical Information Form

The following forms must be submitted before the first day:

  • Medication Management Form
  • Liability Waiver