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SDSU Softball

Elite Hitting Camp 1 | August 12th

Location Brookings, SD
Event Date(s) Aug 12, 2023
Grades 7th to 12th
This event is currently full.

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Event Description

Elite Hitting Camp

Elite Hitting Camp with Assistant Coach Josh Bertke.

August 12th
Grades: 7th - 12th
Time: 5:00pm - 7:00pm
Cost: $70
Limited To 20 Players
All Prices Have Included an 8% Sales Tax
Register for August 13th Elite Prospect together to save $20

Location: Jackrabbit Softball Field

Additional Information: If a camper will require any accommodations due to special needs, we ask that you notify us via email or in writing of those needs a minimum of two weeks prior to the camp start date so we can make the accommodations.

Questions Contact: Assistant Coach Joshua Bertke | joshua.bertke@sdstate.edu

Jackrabbit Softball Camps are open to any and all entrants (limited only by number, age, grade level and/or gender).